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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

NFL please stop pushing views, and play the game

After watching the monday night football game, between the Falcons and Saints. I felt very sad, not for watching the Falcons lose 23 to 3. For the broadcasting booth talking about how the city of New Orleans, still needs help being rebuilt. The reason why I was sad was having the gulit pushed on me, from Spike Lee and all the sad stories from the citizens from New Orleans, and the guys from the booth. Come on it is a football game. When the NFL, took off after Sep 11, there where no concerts. The NFL, is the best sports league out of the big three, NBA, NFL, MLB. Please NFL, it is great that the city is being rebuilt and yes there is alot do. Please do not make a game into political statement. I want to watch the game. Do not use the game to push views on the public. The game was on ESPN not FOX news. Alright sports on ESPN and news on FOX about the President and how he is doing with the rebuilding of the New Orleans. OKAY wake up drink the coffee ESPN and NFL.

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