After sitting out a few games this week , Barry Bonds hits two more homeruns, at Chicago.
Yes, the Cubs still won the game, yet, Bonds, drove in 6 runs.
The Giants lost yet, thanks to Bonds, they had a chance to win. Now for everyone that has been asking when is Bonds going to break the record.
Well with the two homeruns Bonds, is two shy to tie Aaron, and of course three to pass and set a new record.
Now that Barry is at 753 career, homeruns. The Giants and Bonds, is going to Hank Aaron , park where Aaron, hit most of his 755 homeruns.
It is going to be sad for the Aaron's fans to see Barry Bonds, come there Aaron's, home field and to see Barry, hit at least one homerun there.
I would love to see Barry Bonds, hit two homeruns at Milwaukee. To leave there field tied with Aaron, at 755 career homeruns. The Milwaukee, fans, and press along with the media will be pulling there hair out. Yelling at Bonds, calling him a cheater.
Now I like to see it, because whatever they might say, it is going to happen. Barry Bonds , will pass Aaron, as the All Time career Homerun leader.
Bonds, is a Hall Of Famer. no matter what you think of him good or bad. If you Love him or hate him.
And for Bud Selig, I have some words for you. Get up off your but, get in your car drive to the airport, get on the plane, and GO TO THE GAMES, YOU HAVE TO BE THERE WHEN BARRY BONDS, BREAKS THE RECORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I hope I made it clear NUFF BUD.
I do not care if you like Bonds, or not.
You have to be there to see it happen, and you have to be shaking Barry's hand after the game.
In front of the press and the media.
I hope that is clear, Bonds, is bringing buts in the seats at the ball park where ever he plays.
He is making the league money. Cold hard cash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just think of all the MLB, games that he is going to be in, after he hits 755.
Well Nuff Said
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