Why in the world would
T.O. of the Dallas Cowboys, try to kill himself? The man is worth millions. Could it be he is a Jackass. T.O., you have given the fans of he game one more reason to not like you. Why now you have pulled the poor me card out of your ass. Last few years you have claimed that you are the greatest, and I want and need more money if you want to keep me. He destroyed The Eagles alone, single handed that was you T.O. you did that. You helped a good team a year before to get over the hump and help to get the Super Bowl. Owens is truely one of the best players, yet that you are not a team player. You can be, like how you played in the Superbowl. Owens, plays with all heart, just like alast weekend he broke his ring finger,however, Owens kept playing. Now why would this player, this man would ever hurt himself on perpose. This is not like big Ben from the Steelers, crashing his bike in a car, and almost dieing from the wreck. I hope that Owens, will stop acting like the NFL owes him someting and when he dose not get what he wants he turnes into a jackass. I hope for Owens this is his last try at attention. Owens is a great player, now please be a great person. I hope T.O. will be okay, but please drink your coffee and wake up. You can be great T.O., you play with heart, just use your brain with your heart.